Error in ealier post Re: plotting functions in pstricks

Michael M. Dougherty dougheM at
Mon Oct 16 22:25:46 CEST 2000

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graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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Oops!  Sorry.  I should have written \usepackage{pstricks,pst-plot}
instead of the \include command.  I am sorry for my earlier error.
(Probably almost all on the list knew the correct command, but
it is embarrassing nonetheless.)

Mike Dougherty

"Michael M. Dougherty" wrote:

> There is an example in the manual.  You have to know that you are entering
> postscipt-speak, which uses RPN (Reverse Polish Notation).  I'll give you
> some examples below.  You can look at the Adobe Postscript Manual to find the
> functions which are included there.  You need to \include{pst-plot}
> (and of course \include{pstricks}) in the first lines of your latex file.

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