TUGboat, Volume 45 (2024), No. 1.

Book review: LaTeX Cookbook by Stefan Kottwitz

Stefan Kottwitz, LaTeX Cookbook: Over 90 hands-on recipes for quickly preparing LaTeX documents to solve various challenging tasks, Packt Publishing, October 2015, 357 pp., softcover, US$41.99, ISBN 1784395145. https://www.packtpub.com/product/latex-cookbook/9781784395148

cover of LaTeX Cookbook by Kottwitz

After complaining to Stefan Kottwitz that his LaTeX Beginner’s Guide1 didn’t say anything about TikZ and BibLaTeX, Stefan referred me to his LaTeX Cookbook, published in 2015, and also kindly made a copy available to me for a review. If you are not lucky enough to receive a free copy, you can find the book for just over 40 Euros in on- and offline bookstores.

The book is in English. It contains a total of 100 LaTeX recipes on 378 pages, divided into the following categories:

Within those categories there are individual topics such as “Creating a large poster”. Every topic is then divided into several sections:

Despite being almost ten years old, and with plenty of changes to LaTeX in the meantime, the vast majority of the cookbook recipes are still relevant today—a monument to LaTeX’s basic stability and Stefan’s careful writing.

I greatly like this approach, and learned a few tricks myself that I can apply in my own documents or the LaTeX courses I teach. So it is easy for me to recommend this book.

Uwe Ziegenhagen
Cologne, Germany


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