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ParaGraph fonts

For a quite long time I have been using fonts produced by the Paragraph International to
typeset LaTeX documents in Russian. A year ago or so I renamed the fonts to meet the
requirements of K. Berry's scheme. Now, I observe few additions in the scheme so that
some of names given by me came into contradiction to the current scheme.
Therefore I ask to register the names of fonts by Paragraph International listed below.
No doubts, that you have the rights to make any changes in the font abbreviations
to avoid possible conflict with other fonts.
I would appreciate prompt reply.

Igor A. Kotelnikov
E-mail address: kotelnik@nsu.ru
%%%%%%% THIS IS ParaGraph.map %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% PS fonts >From Paragraph International
takrz  AcademyC               
takriz AcademyC-Italic      
takbz  AcademyC-Bold                              
tagkz  AvantGardeGothicC-Book                 
tagkiz AvantGardeGothicC-Oblique             
tagdz  AvantGardeGothicC-Demi            
tagdiz AvantGardeGothicC-DemiOblique
tbarz  BalticaC      
tbariz BalticaC-Italic
tbabz  BalticaC-Bold  
tnbrz  NewBaskervilleC-Roman    
tnbriz NewBaskervilleC-Italic   
tnbbz  NewBaskervilleC-Bold     
tnbbiz NewBaskervilleC-BoldItalic
tofkz  OfficinaSerifC-Book     
tofkiz OfficinaSerifC-BookItalic
tofbz  OfficinaSerifC-Bold     
tofbiz OfficinaSerifC-BoldItalic
tpbrz  PetersburgC      
tpbriz PetersburgC-Italic
tpbbz  PetersburgC-Bold 
tpbbiz PetersburgC-BoldItalic
tpbbuz PetersburgC-BoldItalic
tbkrz  SchoolBookC          
tbkriz SchoolBookC-Italic   
tbkbz  SchoolBookC-Bold     
tbkbiz SchoolBookC-BoldItalic
tssz   StudioScriptC        
tzcz   ZapfChanceryC-MediumItalic