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Re: How should one handle condensed etc., variants?

i'd advocate following dcarlisle a  fam/weight/case/shape/width/ptsize
scheme : case would be all upper, all lower, u&lc, u≻ shape would
be as usual up it sl (ui if needed) 

the problem of typographic variants remains : italics with initial
swash casp, old style digits, alternate font set (which are rather
encoding variants?) 

should the case of letters bound with the case of digits?

my current setting for non-nfss variants requires a bit of hand tuning
in the input. 

i define normal /oldstyle / swash as families like this for minion:

\def\condensedseries{\fontseries{\f@series c}\selectfont}

   Thierry Bouche.       -----       thierry.bouche@ujf-grenoble.fr