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Re: psnfss and lw35nfss

Concernant « Re: psnfss and lw35nfss », Sebastian Rahtz écrit :

 > anyway, the fact that the ps2pk/gsftopk dont yet support the thing is
 > still an obstacle

ps2pk will never be supported I'm afraid, but this is done for
gsftopk, if this is the way you make your bitmaps, you could easily
provide dotlessj bitmaps as well. So hopefully, this setup could be
usefull with bitmaps-based previewers & dvips.

Bernard sent me yesterday an improved header that defines AddDotlessj
in a way suitable for both gsftopk and dvips. I think that the fact
that it makes the right bitmap for MinionMM  is a sufficient torture test;-)

Concernant « Re: psnfss and lw35nfss », Sebastian Rahtz écrit :

 > but Bernard's dotlessj solution doesnt out any special stuff in the
 > vf file, which is why its the best solution i have seen so far. it
 > leaves it up to the driver to do the work

yes & the more robust too, and the more general.
   Thierry Bouche.       -----       thierry.bouche@ujf-grenoble.fr