
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 20:4, December 1999

printing press

Accumulated lists across all of TUGboat: by author/people, by category/keyword, by title.

Complete issue 20:4 as one pdf (2.1mb) 
Cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Blue Sky Research   c3 
Title page   337 
Editorial information   338 
Addresses   339-340 
Download free fonts! 
  Roy Preston 
General Delivery
From the President 
  Mimi Jett 
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton 
    On being a fossil;     Erratum: Mimi Jett's term of office;     Gutenberg: The man of the millennium;     Sebastian Rahtz leaves the TUGboat production team;     International news: Greek, Russian and Vietnamese groups;     Clarification of the CTAN “nonfree” classification;     The origin of the @ sign;     Communication by flags
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn 
Font Forum
TrueType fonts in TeX 
  Vladimír Koutný 
The semaphore alphabet 
  Vít Zýka 
Software & Tools
The Paper Path: XML to paper using TeXML 
  Brian E. Travis 
A WYSIWYG TeX implementation 
  Igor I. Strokov 
Book Reviews
The LaTeX Graphics Companion and TeX Unbound—A review of two books 
  Bill Casselman 
         The LaTeX Graphics Companion, by Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank Mittelbach
         TeX Unbound: LaTeX & TeX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, & More, by Alan Hoenig
Digital Typography, by Donald Knuth 
  Peter Flynn 
The good name of TeX (TUGboat 20(2), p. 93) 
  Jonathan Fine 
TUG99 (TUGboat 20(3)) 
  Christina Thiele 
A CTAN search page 
  Jim Hefferon 
Hints & Tricks
"Hey—it works!" 
  Jeremy Gibbons 
         Ornamental boxes
The treasure chest 
  Christina Thiele 
LaTeX News, Issue 12, December 1999 
  LaTeX Project Team 
Scaled pictures in LaTeX 
  Bruce Shawyer 
Book design for TeX users: Part 2: Practice 
  Philip Taylor 
Preparation of documents for multiple modes of delivery—Notes from TUG'99 
  Ross Moore 
Les Cahiers GUTenberg, Contents of double issue 33/34 (November 1999)   394-395 
EuroTeX'99 Proceedings—Paperless TeX   395-398 
News & Announcements
Calendar   399-400 
Late-Breaking News
Production notes 
  Mimi Burbank 
News & Announcements
TUG2000—The 21st Annual Conference   401 
TUG Business
Institutional members   402 
Statement of ownership   403 
TeX consulting and production services   403 
Y&Y Inc.   404 

TUGboat 20:4, December 1999 (issue 65)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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