{\XeTeX\ Book Template} {Shakthi Kannan} {The \XeTeX\ Book Template is a free software framework for authors to publish multilingual books using \XeTeX. You can write the content in \GNU\ Emacs Org-mode files along with \TeX, and the build scripts will generate the book in \PDF. The Org-mode files are exported to \TeX\ files, and Emacs Lisp post-processing is done prior to \PDF\ generation. Babel support with Org-mode \TeX\ blocks allows one to selectively export content as needed. The framework separates content from presentation. A style file exists for specifying customized page titles, setting margins, font specification, chapter title and text formatting, page style, spacing etc. The framework has been used to publish books containing Tamil, Sanskrit and English. It is released under the \MIT\ license and available at \url{https://gitlab.com/shakthimaan/xetex-book-template}. In this talk, I will explain the salient features of the \XeTeX\ Book Template, and also share my experience in creating and publishing books using the framework.}