{Towards an operational \AllTeX\ package supporting optical scaling of dynamic mathematical symbols} {Abdelouahad Bayar} {In processing of digital documents containing mathematical formulas, the handling of dynamic mathematical symbols is still a significant and difficult problem. In fact, a tool to compose mathematics must support the typing of variable-sized symbols taking care of optical scaling and reaching the quality of metal typesetting. Until now, no tool provides these possibilities in a direct and operational way. This contribution highlights and puts into practice the basic steps to develop a \AllTeX\ package directly based on a parameterized Type~3 PostScript font. This package will provide to \AllTeX\ end-users a tool to compute in the usual way mathematical formulas consisting of dynamic mathematical symbols and taking into account optical scaling Formatting \AllTeX\ documents using this package is achieved without requiring special environments or external programs. The concept of using parameterized Type~3 fonts directly with \AllTeX\ commands can yield an accurate and straightforward way to manage dynamic graphics in documents formatted under \AllTeX, including logo graphics, for example. Keywords: \AllTeX, PostScript Type~3, dynamic mathematical symbols, optical scaling. }