Call for Papers - TUG 2007

The theme of this conference is Practicing TeX. Thus, as with Practical TeX conferences held the last few years, we'd like to especially invite presentations on practical use of LaTeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and the rest of the TeX system. But this should not be taken as exclusionary: presentations on new TeX developments, typography, or any TeX-related topic are welcome.

We also very much invite proposals to lead workshops on the day before the conference.

Contact and dates

If you'd like to make a presentation at the conference, please submit a title and abstract via email (plain ASCII is fine, or any TeX format) to by April 23, 2007. Please also use that address for any questions, suggestions, expressions of interest, etc.

Preprints or slides received by June 22, 2007 (PDF with sources preferred), will be included in the conference program. The final proceedings will be prepared as a TUGboat issue, after the conference. Presentations with no corresponding formal papers are also welcome at the conference.

General topics

Here are some guidelines for presentations:

We look forward to hearing from you!

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