When astronomers decided to put the largest telescopes in the world on
top of a mountain on the Big Island of Hawai`i, they did so simply
because there's no better place in the world to see the sky. While it's
not convenient to get to the top of Mauna Kea at night, it is easy to
find a place where the skies are very dark and there are so many stars
in the sky, you will have trouble finding the familiar constellations.
Jupiter and Mars will be in the night sky, and Mars will be closer to
Earth than it has been for many many years. Thus Mars will be brighter
than it has been during your entire life.
Do you remember the Milky Way? When many of us were children we could
see the Milky Way from where we lived. Today due to the fact that most
of us live in places where there are way too many lights, many of us
haven't seen the Milky Way for years. Indeed, some of the younger of
us may never have seen it. From the Big Island it's possible to see
the Milky Way so bright that it actually looks like you are looking at
TUG is arranging a viewing session during which participants will be
able to view the night sky and -- if all goes well -- have a chance to
enjoy the wonderful Hawaiian Skies.
Sam Rhoads,
ICS, Honolulu Community College, HI