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TUG 2003 Bursaries


Applications for bursaries to attend the TUG 2003 conference are now closed. Applications will be assessed on merit by a committee appointed by the TUG Board for that purpose, and the results of their deliberations will be announced no later than Monday 3rd March 2003, in order to allow successful applicants to make early application for visas and flights. In assessing applications, the Committee will consider both financial need and academic merit, and applicants are therefore strongly advised to ensure that their application establishes, beyond reasonable doubt, that both criteria are met.


At the very least, applications must contain the following information : in addition, applicants should ensure that their applications are sufficiently detailed to enable the Committee to make an informed decision without seeking further information from the applicant.

Financial need

Academic merit

[1] This information will not be used in assessing the merit of the application, nor will it be used in determining the amount which would be awarded. It will be used only after all applications have been considered, in order to ensure that the amount which the Committee are prepared to award is sufficient to meet the applicant's needs. If the amount which an applicant states is the minimum bursary which would allow him/her to attend the conference is greater than the amount which the Committee are prepared to award, then no award will be made, since to do otherwise would be of benefit neither to the applicant nor to other potential receipients of a bursary.

Deadlines and decisions

Applications must be submitted using electronic mail and received by no later than 23:59:59 on Sunday 16th February 2003. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

All bona fide applications will be acknowleged by electronic mail; the Committee reserve the right not to acknowledge the receipt of any application which is, in their opinion, frivolous or purely for financial gain.

Applicants will be advised of the success or failure of their applications by electronic mail, which will be sent no later than 23:59:59 on Monday 3rd March 2003.

The decision of the Committee is final; the Committee will not enter into further correspondence with unsuccessful applicants.


All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence, and the identity of applicants will be known only to members of the Committee. If it would be necessary to disclose the identity of an applicant to any person or any body outside of the committee (to permit, for example, the direct payment of conference fees), the explicit permission of the applicatant will be sought before such disclosure is made.

Accountability and openness

The details of individual bursaries will remain solely the knowledge of the Committee and of the successful applicants; the Committee will submit a summary of all applications and bursaries to the TUG Board, who may in turn elect to relay this summary information to bursary donors, TeX User Groups, or other interested parties. The summary may also be posted on the TUG web site.

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