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Adobe plug-in for WARMreader

Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Abstract: The WARMreader method of using XY-pic for placing labels over imported graphics was presented at TUG'99 in Vancouver. Central to this method is the use of a .bb file, which contains mark-up information concerning ``marked points'' within the graphic, as well as Bounding-Box information.

A new plug-in module has been developed, for use with Adobe Illustrator (vers. 9, and later), which makes it easy to specify the desired marked points, and store the corresponding information within a .bb file. This information is valuable markup which could be used also for other purposes, with other software packages.

In this talk we will demonstrate some possible work-flows for using the new plug-in tool. Also, we will describe work done to convince the Illustrator Development Team, at Adobe Systems Inc., that such a tool would be a simple and useful addition to their software.

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