San Francisco Information

The conference hotel is the Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf, 1300 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA, phone +1-415-771-9000.

To get our group discount on hotel reservations, please use the link from the conference registration page, or mention "TeX Users Group" when making the reservation.

A good map of San Francisco (PDF) you can download and print. More maps.

Bay Area Airports

San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
Distance: 19 MI / 31 KM
Taxi to Holiday Inn: $45
Local transit, BART/MUNI: $6
Local shuttles (e.g., SuperShuttle): $14
(SFO is the major airport in the the San Francisco area.)

Oakland International Airport (OAK)
Distance: 20 MI / 32 KM
Taxi to Holiday Inn: $55
Local transit, AirBART/BART/MUNI: $7
(OAK is a smaller airport, and is served by several budget airlines.)

BART is the intercity train system (Bay Area Rapid Transit).
MUNI is the San Francisco bus/streetcar system (SF Municipal Railway).

Travel Tips

Consider travelling to Oakland airport from within North America. Many of the lower-priced airlines use this airport.

Do not drive in San Francisco. Parking is expensive, and it's easy to walk or take a bus to nearby sights. If you are planning to stay after the conference to tour the area, rent a car then; otherwise you will spend $25/day just for parking.

For local transit, consider buying a MUNI Pass, 3-day ($15) or 7-day ($20). Another good buy is the CityPass ($36), which allows 7-day travel on MUNI and admission to several museums and attractions. Both may be purchased online, or at locations in the area. More info.

Trains and Local Transit

Peninsula Train:
CalTrain: King Street Exit
Distance 3 MI / 5 KM
Taxi to Holiday Inn: $10
Local transit, MUNI 30 Line: $1.25

Directions for local transit from SFO:
Board BART ($4.50) north to San Francisco
Get off at Montgomery or Embarcadero station
Take taxi, or MUNI F or (Montgomery only) 30 Line (see below).

Directions for local transit from OAK:
Board AirBART shuttle ($2) at the airport to connect to BART
Board BART ($3.40) to San Francisco
Get off at Montgomery or Embarcadero station
Take taxi, or MUNI F or 30 Line (see below).

Local Transit: BART, Embarcadero or Montgomery Station
Distance: 2 MI / 3 KM
Taxi to Holiday Inn: $7
MUNI Historic F-Line to Holiday Inn: $1.25

Local Transit: MUNI Historic F-Line
Ride in direction of: Fisherman's Wharf
Get off: Jones and Beach (end of the line)
Walk one block south to North Point
Walk one block west to Columbus

Local Transit: MUNI 30 Stockton Line
Get on at CalTrain or Kearny and Market Streets
Ride in direction of: North to Broderick or Van Ness
Get off: Columbus and North Point
Walk 1/2 block north on Columbus to hotel

Alternative Hotels

Here are some alternatives to the conference hotel for the student or budget-minded traveller. In the Fisherman's Wharf area:

Farther away:

More Web Sites

Here are some additional sites for San Francisco hotel and visitor information (most have both):

These sites are some of the better ones we know about. If you find other sites or information that may be useful to conference attendees, please email us.

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