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Travels in TeX Land: memoir, TtH, and a booklet signature

David Walden


In this column in each issue I muse on my wanderings around the TeX world. In this issue I describe three efforts: (1) I describe my first attempt to use the memoir class to produce a book; (2) I describe my first time using TtH to convert from LaTeX to HTML; and (3) I describe creating a 16-page booklet signature using a method described by another author in an earlier issue of this journal.

This will be my final TeX Land column in this journal. I am pleased to have provided a column for every previous issue, but it is now time for me to focus on other things. I won't stop using TeX, however, and probably will continue to write about TeX once in a while, but without the concerns of a regular column. I wish the editors of this journal ``all the best'' as they continue publication of The PracTeX Journal.

David Walden is retired after a career as an engineer, engineering manager, and general manager involved with research and development of computer and other high tech systems. More information is available at www.walden-family-com. He may be contacted at . A complete list of his pieces on TeX is at

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