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Mac OS X Fonts in pdfTeX

Gerben C. Th. Wierda, Thomas A. Schmitz and Adam T. Lindsay


Installing a new font with your TeX installation can be a challenging task. This article documents an attempt to provide an automated solution for users running TeX on Apple's OS X. Using the fonts described here will only be possible for those who run this operating system; the way of making these fonts work with TeX should be of interest for all users. The article's level can be described as intermediate to advanced; it assumes some previous knowledge of TeX and fonts.

Gerben Wierda has been working on a book since 1995 but has been sidetracked by typesetting (where have we heard this before?), work, a child, an MBA, another child, more work, renovations, life in general and still more work. Having used mainly LaTeX since 1986, he recently switched his book project to ConTeXt. Gerben can be reached at mailto

Thomas A. Schmitz is Professor of Classics at Bonn University, Germany. After his last book project, he became so dissatisfied with the infamous word processor from a Redmond-based software company that he took the plunge and learned to use ConTeXt, a very nice TeX macro package. And he hasn't looked back ever since. Thomas can be reached at mailto

Adam Lindsay is a Research Fellow in Computing at Lancaster University, UK. He is an internationally recognized expert in MPEG-7, and finally approached the TeX world in 2002 after being required to edit large ISO standards using Microsoft Word. Being a Mac user, he is naturally passionate about fonts. Adam may be contacted at mailto

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