Hi,<br><br>I'm looking for a way to draw arrows in xymatrix which stretch not over the whole distance between to nodes, but only over a certain percentage. I want to use this to draw 2-cells in commutative squares.<br>
<br>Until now, I have done this by drawing invisible frames around source and target nodes, as in the following example:<br>\[<br>\xymatrix{<br>FA<br> \ar[r]^{Ff}<br> \ar[d]_{\eta_A} &<br>FB<br> \ar[d]^{\eta_B}<br>
\\<br>GA<br> \ar[r]_{Gf} &<br>GB<br>\\<br>%<br>\ar@{<=}"1,2"*+++\frm{};"2,1"*++\frm{}^{\eta_f}<br>}<br>\]<br>However, this seems overly complicated and has the disatvantage that the invisible frames reach in all directions, and so make the entire diagram bigger, resulting in too much space above and beneath the diagram in the document.<br>
<br>Is there a easier/better way to do this?<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Jonas<br><br><br>