I got a broken diagram in the pdf document compiled<br>by latex and dvipdfmx.<br><br>Here is a short sample (from the example 5-3-4 of LaTeX Graphics Companion):<br><br>-----------<br>\documentclass{article}<br>\usepacakge[all]{xy}
<br>\begin{document}<br>\begin{xy}<br> 0*+[o][F]{DL};<2cm,1cm>*+[F]{UR} **@{.}<br> ?<*@{<<} ?(0.5)*!/_3mm/{\Omega} ?>>>*@{>}<br> \end{xy}<br>\end{document}<br>-----------<br><br>Any other complie method produces perfect pdf document:
<br><br> 1. pdflatex<br> 2. latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf<br> 3. latex -> dvipdf<br> 4. latex -> dvipdfm<br><br>Anybody has a hint for the solution of this problem?<br><br>Many thanks,<br>Honza.<br><br>