Hello,<br><br>I am a newbie running a computer with Ubuntu 8.1 (intrepid) where I tried installing Lyx and have it work with XeTex.<br>Eventually I opted for the latest Lyx package on getdeb (version 1.6.2) and the repository files for TexLive/Xetex. I later realised that the latex/xetex were way too old so I got the TexLive 2009 installer (somehow I had some problems installing the TexLive 2008 DVD).<br>
Now, after setting Lyx up for XeTex, I get the following message when I try to export or view with XeTex:<br>File does not exist: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.TJ6121/lyx_tmpbuf0/Test.pdf<br>I didn't get it before with the 2007 repository version (although I had problems with other things that eventually pushed me to try to update everything).<br>
If I run a tex file with xetex with the command line I get:<br>This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9995.0 (TeX Live 2009)<br> restricted \write18 enabled.<br>---! /home/arjuna/.texlive2009/texmf-var/web2c/xetex/xelatex.fmt doesn't match xetex.pool<br>
(Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)<br><br>I hope someone can help.<br>All the best<br>