Hello,<br>I decided to move from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.04. Apart from some video problems, I've got problems with my TeXLive 2008 installation. I have the following questions, I somebody my be so kind as to hint me with them:<br>
<ol><li><b>Where do I tell XeTeX to find the fonts? </b>I created a .fonts directory, where I put all my OTFs. Buy I don't remember in which conf file I tell XeTeX to look for them. (In my previous installation all worked smoothly.)</li>
<li><b>How can I fool Ubuntu to acknowledge TL 2008 is installed?</b> With Ubuntu 8.10 I followed this instructions (<a href="http://weblog.elzevir.fr/2008/11/tex-live-2008-a-la-vanille-sur-debian-like/">http://weblog.elzevir.fr/2008/11/tex-live-2008-a-la-vanille-sur-debian-like/</a>) for that (in particular, to install Kile without having to install TL 2007), but this isn't working at all with Ubuntu 9.04. I understand that Ubuntu switched to a new package <br>
</li><li>Finally, does somebody know <b>why the Ubuntu repositories only distribute TexLive 2008</b>?! It's preposterous!</li></ol>Thanks!<br>Best wishes!<br><br>Nicolas Vaughan<br>