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<!--SOHUMAIL_HTML_HEAD_END-->Hi, there: <p><p>I am trying use XeTeX to typesetting Tibe-tan scripts. I've written a preprocessor to insert glues into Tibe-tan TeX scripts, which use the encoding like GB/GBK HZ characters(That is what used most in mainland China Tibe-tan typesetting, they have all the vowels and letters stacked in advance, while in Unicode, all are seperated and stack on the fly). The preprocessor+XeTeX can typesetting Tibe-tan scripts very well except one Tibe-tan punctuation, which should be changed to a diffrent punctuation if it is after the first word in a line.<p><p>My question is: <p><p>1. should I add a locale and LayoutEngine to ICU or should I change texk/web2c/xetexdir/XeTeXLayoutEngine.* to add this ability to XeTeX? <p><p>2. how is the XeTeX's support to the Unicode way of typesetting the complex scripts, in which all the relevent parts of a charater is stacked on the fly?<p><p>Lobsang Sonam<p><br><br><div class="idiograph" style="border:0px #A74A
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