[XeTeX] Σχετ: Plain XeTeX, pdftitle, pdfinfo

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sun Jul 10 14:28:46 CEST 2016

Oops, missed that Zdeněk  , but even after correcting the error the diagnostics remain the same.   I have a work-around (I generate a one-page PDF using XeLaTeX with the necessary metadata and then append the real PDF); the result is PDF/X-1A compliant, but the printer will have to be instructed not to print page one, so I would prefer a cleaner solution

Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> Hi Philip,
> you have a space between a slash and ModDate. 

\special {pdf: docinfo <<

/Author (John Holmes)

/Title (Math Everywhere).

/ModDate (D:0)

/Trapped (False)


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