[XeTeX] not enough \XeTeXcharclass registers

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Feb 1 10:37:55 CET 2016

Akira Kakuto wrote:

>> Some interesting (and new, and unexpected) diagnostics, Akira-san; as
>> far as I can tell, no PDF was produced :
> You have to replace "all" included binaries, by saving the old ones.
> Note that size of xdvipdfmx.exe,  which is a wrapper of dvipdfmx.dll, 
> is 1536 bytes.

Akira-san :  I did just that.  I copied the entire "...\bin\win32"
directory to ...\bin\win32-old, then overwrote all files in
...\bin\win32 with the corresponding files from your ZIP file.

I will repeat the process just to ensure that I made no errors and then
report back.

Philip Taylor

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