[XeTeX] Hyphenation around „ß“

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Jan 13 11:32:47 CET 2014

Khaled Hosny wrote:

> That is a known issue with Knuth's \showhyphens in XeTeX's way of
> forming "native" word nodes AFAIK, xltxtra package has a modified
> \showhyphens from Jonathan that should work with XeTeX.

Hmm, thank you Khaled.  I took one look and knew in an instant
that it would not worked in an IniXeTeX environment :

	\@for\@ii:=#1\do{\xxt at showhyphens{\@ii}}%

Is there a simpler version that does not rely on all these
adjunct bells and whistles ?  And why does Jonathan's example
use the reformed orthopgraphy patterns when we are trying
to hyphenate words with eszet ?

** Phil.

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