[XeTeX] XeLaTeX not using language-specific glyphs with Scheherazade 2.x

Lammert, Richard richard.lammert at ctsfw.edu
Sat Oct 5 22:25:52 CEST 2013

(Sorry about that empty message with one attachment--clicked the wrong

The following example attempts to use language-specific glyphs from
Scheherazade, but does not work with Scheherazade 2.0 or 2.01. The example
*does* work with Scheherazade 1.005 (see attachments arabic-test-1.005.pdf
and arabic-test-2.01.pdf)

However, when I use TypeTuner to produce language-specific fonts for each
of the three languages (last three lines of each test file), XeLaTeX
properly shows the correct contextual forms. Since XeLaTeX reads the glyphs
properly from the tuned fonts, it appears to me that the language
information is not being interpreted properly in the base font. I am using
XeLaTeX 0.9999.3, fontspec v. 2.3c, and bidi v14 on an iMac.

Minimal working example follows:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode



\newfontfamily\urdusel[Renderer=Graphite,Script=Arabic]{Scheherazade LngUrd}

\newcommand\arabtext{م ممم - ه ههه  -   ◌ٍّ   ◌ِّ   }


default: \par \RL{\arabicfnt\arabtext}

Kurdish: \par \RL{\kurdishfnt\arabtext}

Sindhi: \par \RL{\sindhifnt\arabtext}

Urdu: \par \RL{\urdufnt\arabtext}

Languages implemented with TypeTuner:

Kurdish: \par \RL{\kurdishselfnt\arabtext}

Sindhi: \par \RL{\sindhiselfnt\arabtext}

Urdu: \par \RL{\urduselfnt\arabtext}


*** end of example



Rev. Richard A. Lammert           e-mail: richard.lammert at ctsfw.edu
Technical Services Librarian       mail: 6600 N. Clinton St.
Systems Librarian                     Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4916
Walther Library                         phone: 260-452-3148
Concordia Theological Seminary
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