[XeTeX] can't access superscript glyphs outside Latin-1?

Eric Abrahamsen eric at ericabrahamsen.net
Tue Apr 2 18:05:49 CEST 2013

Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com> writes:

> On Apr 2, 2013, at 5:27 AM, Eric Abrahamsen <eric at ericabrahamsen.net> wrote:
>> I have an odd problem, and this is the only place I can think of to
>> bring it up.
>> I'm using XeLaTeX with fontspec and the Janson Pro OTF font from
>> Linotype. I noticed recently that I don't get many superscripts glyphs
>> when using "real" superscripts with \textsuperscript{} and xltxtra
>> loaded. Specifically, I could only get superscripts for 1, 2, and 3, and
>> "a" and "o", which seemed like a weird assortment.


>> Thanks!
>> Eric
> Howdy,
> Use the realscripts package along with fontspec and no need for the xltxtra package. If you use logos, such as \XeTeX, also include the metalogo package.
> \usepackage{fontspec,metalogo,realscripts}

Thanks very much for the quick responses! I gave realscripts a try, and
it produces the same effect as xltxtra -- if I understand what Google is
telling me, doesn't xltxtra just use the internals of realscripts?

If the font has labeled its sups incorrectly, is it possible to edit the
font to fix it? Or any other solutions...

Thanks again,


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