[XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

Tobias Schoel liesdiedatei at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 28 16:53:06 CEST 2011

As a simple user (very simple: none of my work gets published, I just 
use TeX for myself): What do I have to think about, when moving from 
XeLaTeX to LuaLaTeX?

I took a random document I created last week and tried to compile it 
with lualatex instead of xelatex. It threw an error because of 
polyglossia. OK, I commented out polyglossia. It compiled without error 
but hyphenation was broken (the text was German). I added 
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} [would be great error in xetex as I read 
often on this list] and the document compiled without errors and with 
good hyphenation.

So was it luck or  should this be standard?



Am 28.10.2011 16:33, schrieb Vafa Khalighi:
> As an example, the attached PDF is just a portion of a maths textbook
> with the title "Theory of Ordinary Differential Equation and Dynamic
> Systems" which has been typeset using XePersian and    it is published
> just today in Iran.
> http://www.mehrnews.com/fa/newsdetail.aspx?NewsID=1440752
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