[XeTeX] XeTeXpicfile

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Fri Nov 11 09:55:33 CET 2011

The documentation states :

> \XeTeXpicfile ‹filename› [ scaled ‹int› | xscaled ‹int› | yscaled ‹int› |
> width ‹dimen› | height ‹dimen› | rotated ‹decimal› ]

and indeed, an attempt to use XeTeXpicfile with a fractional scale
factor such as 0.666, as in

	XeTeXpifile myimage.png scaled 0.666

leads to

> ** WARNING ** Transformation matrix not invertible.
> ** WARNING ** --- M = [0 0 0 0 -43.6535 -396.088]

How is one intended to accomplish fractional scaling, please ?

Philip Taylor

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