[XeTeX] kpathsea: Invalid fontname `[/Library/Fonts/MyriadPro-Cond', contains '['

Adam Twardoch (List) list.adam at twardoch.com
Fri Mar 25 20:07:37 CET 2011

My code is:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex

%!TEX encoding = UTF-8


\usepackage[margin=40pt, paperwidth=1024bp, paperheight=768bp]{geometry}











\font\samplefont=[#1] at \testfontsize%








\openup \linesp


\def \fontfolder{/Library/Fonts}

\linetowidth{\fontfolder/MyriadPro-Cond.otf}{Medical split}%



I'm successfully getting a PDF output but I'm getting the following
error in the console:

kpathsea: Invalid fontname `[/Library/Fonts/MyriadPro-Cond', contains '['

Any hints?



May success attend your efforts,
-- Adam Twardoch
(Remove "list." from e-mail address to contact me directly.)

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