[XeTeX] Bidipoem Problem

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Jun 21 14:17:10 CEST 2011

When I copy-and-paste the original into TeXworks, I don't
get (on-screen) what I started with.  Presumably this is
because either my e-mail client (Seamonkey) or TeXworks
(V0.4.0; R749) is doing something "wrong" with the ?Arabic?
characters.  In order that I can know which is "wrong",
could someone more familiar with RTL languages tell me
whether, between the outer


and the nested


I should see at on the first line
some ?Arabic? text left, followed immediately by


(as I see in Seamonkey) or whether I should see

<spaces>{footnote{\begin{traditionalpoem<mirrored interrogative><backslash>?Arabic? text

(as I see in TeXworks) ?

Philip Taylor

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