[XeTeX] crop and marginnote clash

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 25 13:05:32 CEST 2011

On 25 Jul 2011, at 11:52, Florian Grammel wrote:

> The combination of XeTex, marginnote and crop doesn't work properly:
> \documentclass[a6paper]{scrbook}
> \usepackage[frame,center,a4]{crop}
> \usepackage{marginnote}
> \begin{document}
> Quisque \marginnote{mnote}facilisis erat a dui. 
> Suspendisse \marginpar{mpar} sagittis ante a urna. 
> \end{document}
> According to Markus Kohm this is due to XeTex writing different positions for \pdfsavepos, \pdflastxpos,\pdflastypos than pdfTeX, when \hoffset and \voffset are changed, as crop does. 

That sounds very plausible.

> I've submitted a bug-report on
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3374118&group_id=194926&atid=951385
> but I'd like to hear, whether anybody could think of a workaround or whether this might be a trivial bug, that could be fixed soon. I don't mean to "jump the line", but it would be good to know whether I can use marginnote in the project I'm working on now.

It's probably a fairly simple bug - I expect there just needs to be an extra calculation somewhere in the implementation of the \pdf*pos primitives to take account of the offsets - but I'm afraid I don't have free time at this point to investigate exactly what needs fixing. Perhaps one of the other people who've hacked on xetex code will be able to take a look.

It ought to be possible to work around the issue at the macro level by avoiding the use of \hoffset/\voffset; it's not essential to manipulate these in order to implement cropmarks (though of course it may be convenient). Perhaps using the geometry package instead might work better, if it implements things in a different way?


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