[XeTeX] 64.bit XeTex was::Re: Trying to build microtype-aware xetex

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Aug 31 15:30:47 CEST 2011

Am 31.08.2011 um 12:02 schrieb Keith J. Schultz:

> Nothing is considered stable just yet. 

The same would be true when you try to port XeTeX from ATSUI to CoreText.

> In other words, xe(la)tex would be the way to go. For awhile. 

And therefore keep old versions of Mac OS X! Leopard and Snow Leopard are OK (it depends on the hardware it will run on: Mac OS X must be younger than the hardware or it won't run on something it does not know). You can either clone your recent installation onto a smaller external disk, connected through FireWire, because this enables the Mac to boot from it, or onto an extra internal disk (when you're using a desk-side computer), or you can try to create a virtual instance of a Mac OS X version in which XeTeX is supported.



There's something the technicians need to learn from the artists. If it isn't aesthetically pleasing, it's probably wrong.

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