[XeTeX] Inactive citation links with hyperref and natbib

Heiko Oberdiek heiko.oberdiek at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 16 06:56:03 CEST 2010

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 04:14:07PM +0200, Pierre Morel wrote:

> I'm writing my thesis using xetex, and use natbib for the bilbiography and
> hyperref to get links inside the PDF. Everything is supposed to work
> together, but the links of citations (which are supposed to get me to the
> actual reference when I click on a citation) are not active. They appear
> as links (color, cursor change on hover), but nothing happens when I click
> on them. The other intra-document links work well (TOC, figures,
> equations), and I get no feedback about my problem in the log. It looks
> like the (unsolved) problem this guy had with Lyx :
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg60393.html
> I made sure that I use the xetex option with hyperref, and that all
> citations are in natbib formats. For info I use multiple files with
> \input{} as well as multiple .bib files.
> Any ideas on how to solve that ?

Make a minimal example (few lines, but complete) that shows the problem.

Yours sincerely
  Heiko Oberdiek

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