[XeTeX] Polyglossia and BibLaTeX

Gareth Hughes garzohugo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 15:16:19 CEST 2010

Dear friends,

I regularly use BibLaTeX to manage citations and bibliographies.
Unfortunately, there's nothing in the either the BibLaTeX or Polyglossia
manuals about how to manage multilingual bibliographies. They work fine
together, but I'd like to be able to do some fine tuning.

It looks like Polyglossia does its trick of pretending to Babel for
BibLaTeX, but does it just set the default language? One problem I have
is with hyphenation of non-English titles in an otherwise
English-language bibliography. Can I use the babel=hyphen environment,
or do I need to wrap titles in my .bib file in \textgerman{} for instance?

When I try backend=biber my .aux file fails to point to my .bib file.
The .bib file is UTF8 encoded.


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