[XeTeX] Change fonts for different environment/commands

Joachim Trinkwitz jtr at uni-bonn.de
Sun Sep 5 01:20:03 CEST 2010

Am 04.09.2010 um 18:47 schrieb Marcin Grotomirski:

> I was just wondering how can I get results similar to eg. Smashing
> book (https://shop.smashingmagazine.com/smashing-book-eu.html)

Try this (cf. first spread of The Smashing Book):


\usepackage[right=3.5cm, left=5cm]{geometry}




\lettrine[lhang=0.25, loversize=0.25]{W}{}hat is user interface design? What makes a user interface effective, and, more importantly, how do you go about crafting a good user interface? This chapter looks at the theory as well as the practical techniques involved in visual interface design in modern Web applications.

\section*{What Is A User Interface?}

\emph{“The way that you accomplish tasks with a product – what you do and how it responds – that's the interface” - Jess Raskin}




Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz     E-Mail: jtr at uni-bonn.de
Institut für Germanistik, Tel.: 0228-737565
Vergleichende Literatur-  Fax: 0228-737479
und Kulturwissenschaft    www.germanistik.uni-bonn.de
der Universität Bonn      53012 Bonn

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