[XeTeX] Font nuisances

David Perry hospes.primus at verizon.net
Sun Oct 10 22:26:28 CEST 2010

This seems to be my day for font problems.

1. What is the correct way to specify a font in exact point size when 
running XeLaTeX?  (This is for the cover page of a book where \Huge 
isn't big enough.)  The LaTeX command \fontsize{60}{66pt} does not work 
-- it comes out much smaller than 60 pts, although there is no 
compilation error.

2. Can anybody see what is wrong with the following?

\fontspec[BoldFont={Bergamo Std},ItalicFont={Bergamo 
Std},BoldItalicFont={Bergamo Std}]{Cardo}

Cardo has no bold, italic, or bold italic versions, so I'm using Bergamo 
for the moment.

I can confirm:
a) all the fonts are installed in Windows font folder and can be used in 
a Word document

b) the log file looks as though the family is being defined correctly 
(see extract below) yet nothing happens in the document when I issue 
\textbf{blah} and so forth.

c) Cardo has TrueType outlines while Bergamo has CFF outlines; could 
this cause a problem?  (I wouldn't think so, but you never know.)

Thanks - David

log file extracts:

fontspec Info: Defining font family for 'Cardo' with options 
,Scale=MatchLowercase,BoldFont={Bergamo Std},ItalicFont={Bergamo 
cFont={Bergamo Std}].

  fontspec Info: Cardo scale = 0.98076.

  fontspec Info: Defining shape 'normal' with NFSS specification:

Requested font "Bergamo Std/ICU" at 10.0pt
  -> C:/Windows/Fonts/BergamoStd-Regular.otf
  fontspec Info: Bergamo Std scale = 1.01411.

  fontspec Info: Defining shape 'bold' with NFSS specification:
(fontspec)  <->s*[1.01411]"Bergamo 

  fontspec Info: Bergamo Std scale = 1.01411.

  fontspec Info: Defining shape 'italic' with NFSS specification:
(fontspec)  <->s*[1.01411]"Bergamo 

  fontspec Info: Bergamo Std scale = 1.01411.

  fontspec Info: Defining shape 'bold italic' with NFSS specification:
(fontspec)  <->s*[1.01411]"Bergamo 

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