[XeTeX] hyperref broken??

Philipp Stephani st_philipp at yahoo.de
Sun Oct 3 11:51:21 CEST 2010

Am 03.10.2010 um 06:12 schrieb David Perry:

> I just updated MiKTeX; I noticed that both hyperref and memoir were included in the update.  Now my book (which uses memoir) won't compile.
> The following lines have been in my preamble for months without change:
> \usepackage[hypertex,
> 	pdftitle={Document Preparation for Classical Languages},
> 	pdfauthor={David J.Perry},
> 	pdfsubject={Creating text in classical, biblical, and medieval studies},
> 	pdfkeywords={Latin, Greek, Hebrew, classics, medieval, biblical, fonts, Unicode, OpenType},
> 	pdfpagemode=UseOutlines,, bookmarks, bookmarksopen,
> 	pdfstartview=FitH,
> 	linktocpage=false,
> 	colorlinks, linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,urlcolor=black,	
> 	breaklinks=true  %allows URLs to break
> 	plainpages=false  %makes page anchors match the actual formatting (roman vs arabic numbers)
> 	pdfpagelabels=true  %makes page numbers in PDF viewer same as on page (roman vs arabic)
> ]
> {hyperref}
> Now I get this:
> ! Package hyperref Error: Wrong DVI mode driver option `hypertex',
> (hyperref)                because XeTeX is running.
> So I read the latest hyperref doc.  I saw the section about the various drivers and so forth, but it's not clear to me how to fix this. hyperref is obviously detecting that xetex is running, which the manual says it will do.  I tried removing the reference to 'hypertex' in the hope that it could find the right driver, but that just gave a lot more meaningless (to me) errors.
> Any advice about getting this to work with XeLaTeX?

Removing "hypertex," should do it because hyperref knows when the document is compiled with XeLaTeX. What errors do you get after removing the driver option? Note that you should remove the driver option everywhere, i.e., from the document class, the graphics/graphicx package, and the color/xcolor package. All of these packages automatically detect XeTeX.

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