[XeTeX] Question about polyglossia and babel

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Mon May 31 14:56:02 CEST 2010

On 31/05/2010 12:35, Vadim Radionov wrote:
> Vladimir,
> You know, that Russian babel short-hands do slightly more than just insert a
> glyph from the font: they adjust the spacing around the em-dash (and the
> length of the dash, too), and allow hyphenation of adjacent words (in case
> of hyphens).  So even in the case of Unicode input we need some macros to do
> this job.


I concur with you on this. There is now generic support in polyglossia 
for such shorthands to control hyphenation and typographic fine-tuning, 
but until now only German and Dutch make use of them. If you are willing 
to help on this, I'd be pleased to add the relevant macros to 
gloss-russian.ldf. It might even be possible to copy them verbatim from 
Babel, or with very minor adaptations. (You can contact me off-list if 
you wish).


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