[XeTeX] PDF Media, Trim, and Bleed boxes in XeTeX

Chris Yocum cyocum at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 14:06:37 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 21/07/10 11:20, David Cottenden wrote:
> Le lun. 12/07/10 (12:48:58 +0100), Chris Yocum a écrit :
>>> On 12/07/10 12:10, William Adams wrote:
>>>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 3:38 PM, Chris Yocum wrote:
>>>>> I have a feeling that this is a rather naive/dumb question but I will
>>>>> raise it nonetheles.  I have been looking into creating pre-press
>>>>> quality (PDF X-1a at least) PDFs via XeLaTeX.  It seems that most
>>>>> things
>>>>> are there: embedded fonts (pdffonts tells me that they are), hyperxmp
>>>>> for metadata, etc.  The only thing missing seems to be the TrimBox and
>>>>> Bleed Boxes.  Is there a way to get these into XeTeX?  I can do it
>>>>> using
>>>>> \special but it seems like something the geometry package should do
>>>>> when
>>>>> knows it will produce PDFs (and should work with the crop
>>>>> package).          
>>>> Correct. Unfortunately, the geometry package doesn't support this.
>>>> I've always used \special
>>> Thank you very much for your insight.  I am contemplating contacting the
>>> crop and geometry package owners to see if we can collaborate on adding
>>> this functionality to the packages.
> Sorry - I just read this properly. I use XeLaTeX, geometry, and crop
> frequently - in what way are they not producing the result that you (OP)
> are after?

No problem.  What isn't happening is if you look at the inside of the
PDF, the crop package doesn't set the /TrimBox in PDF.  It does all the
calculations then places it in the PDF without regard to the fact that
PDF has a /TrimBox in its definition.  This is because, most likely I
believe, crop was created to work with DVI or, in our case, XDVI and not
directly with PDF.  I am attempting at the moment to figure out how to
get the information out of the crop package and into the PDF proper
using \special{pdf: /TrimBox [...]} but I have rather failed so far and
had other things take over my time.

I hope this helps explain what I am talking about.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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