[XeTeX] fancyhdr and plyglossia

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Sun Jan 31 00:42:48 CET 2010

Hi Jens, and Vafa,

On 31/01/2010, at 9:45 AM, Ross Moore wrote:
> Page 6 worked for me; see attached image.

Aaagh; that was using  bidi 1.0.3

>     bidi.sty    2009/08/09 v1.0.3 <revision 82> Bidirectional  
> typesetting in Xe
> LaTeX

It had the headers wrong, as you reported earlier.

After updating to version 1.0.4 the headers are now correct,
but those page 6 margin-pars are now gone.

>  amsmath.sty    2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features
>  amstext.sty    2000/06/29 v2.01
>   amsgen.sty    1999/11/30 v2.0
>   amsbsy.sty    1999/11/29 v1.2d
>   amsopn.sty    1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
> footnote-bidi.def
> graphicx-bidi.def
> fancyhdr-bidi.def
> article-bidi.def
> hijrical.sty    2007/12/27 v0.1 Islamic calendar
> cal-util.def
>    t3cmr.fd    2001/12/31 TIPA font definitions
>   ot1lmr.fd    2007/01/14 v1.3 Font defs for Latin Modern
>  ***********

Sorry for that bit of noise.

However, looking at the PDF with Acrobat Pro, the missing
margin-par content is actually included in the PDF.
It is off to the right, beyond the edge of the visible
page area.

Probably it is something to do with the width assigned to
margin-pars, and is being right- rather than left-aligned.
Just speculating.

>> With best wishes and best regards,
>> Jens Bakker
>> <alazhariya.tex>

Hope this helps,


Ross Moore                                       ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                           office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                             tel: +61 (0)2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia  2109                          fax: +61 (0)2 9850 8114

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