[XeTeX] Memoir's \legend and arabxetex

Vafa Khalighi vafa at users.berlios.de
Fri Jan 29 06:54:23 CET 2010


This is definitely a bug of bidi. Thanks for reporting. What happens is that
bidi redefines \makecaption macro of standard LaTeX and memoir also have its
own definition of \@makecaption.
I think if you put the blow code before \begin{document} and after loading
arabxetex package, the problem goes away

  \ifdim\prevdepth>-99\p@ \vskip\abovecaptionskip
  \else \def\@memtempa{\vbox to\topskip{}}\fi
  \let\@contfnote\footnote \renewcommand{\footnote}[2][]{}
  \let\@contfmark\footnotemark \renewcommand{\footnotemark}[1][]{}
  \sbox\@tempboxa{\@contnfont #1\@contdelim \@conttfont #2\@contfinal}
  \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa<\linewidth \centering \fi
  \if at contcw
    \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa<\@contcwidth \centering \fi
    {\@contnfont #1\@contdelim}\@memtempa
    {\@contcshortstyle \@conttfont #2\@contfinal\par}
    \if at conthang
      \sbox\@tempboxa{\@contnfont #1\@contdelim}
       \noindent\box\@tempboxa\@memtempa \@conttfont #2\@contfinal\par}
      \if at contindent
        {\@contnfont #1\@contdelim}\@memtempa
                     \hangafter=\@ne\@conttfont #2\@contfinal\par}% <- v1.4
        {\@contnfont #1\@contdelim}\@memtempa
        {\@contcstyle \@conttfont #2\@contfinal\par}
  \if at contcw
    }  % end of the \parbox

Best wishes,
Vafa Khalighi
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