[XeTeX] linux libertine and number

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Fri Dec 31 15:03:42 CET 2010

Am Fri, 31 Dec 2010 12:04:22 +0000 schrieb Philip Taylor (Webmaster,

> Afterthought : surely the real point is to give François
> a choice -- now at least he is aware that there is a simple
> TeX solution to his problem, and that he does not need
> to learn all the intricacies of fontspec in order to
> solve a trivial problem.

Sorry this is not a simple solution. Making numbers active on the
document level will lead to a lot of problems and whoever does it
will have to learn a lot of intricacies of TeX to get around them.
Parameters (#1) are only the top of the iceberg. The next is eg




And please don't repeat that you "was not in any
way trying to suggest that this is a general or universal
solution.". You _did_ sent the first example without any code which
restricted the effect of the catcodes changes and without any
warnings about side-effects. This was the posting I commented as
this is not my idea of an helpful answer. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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