[XeTeX] XeTeX bug

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Nov 25 11:26:11 CET 2009

Am Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:14:21 +1100 schrieb Vafa Khalighi:

> I have fixed flowfram package in bidi but if run xelatex on test.tex, the
> first page is not landscape (which is supposed to be) but if I do not use
> hyperref package, then it will be fine.
> But this test file is ok with either pdflatex or lualatex.

Well on the one side you should always load hyperref as late as
possible (in this case after geometry) and then it will work.
hyperref (like geometry) tries to add page size to the pdf, but as
the landscape options cames later hyperref sets a portrait format,
and in the case of xetex hyperref wins on the first page. 

On the second side if you use a package or a class which set page
sizes it is best to tell hyperref not to bother. 


a\newpage b

Ulrike Fischer 

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