[XeTeX] [tex-live] Three questions on XeTeX, TeXLive 2008, and Ubuntu

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon May 11 20:56:49 CEST 2009

On Mon, 11 May 2009, Nicolas Vaughan wrote:
>    1. *Where do I tell XeTeX to find the fonts? *I created a .fonts
>    directory, where I put all my OTFs. Buy I don't remember in which conf file
>    I tell XeTeX to look for them. (In my previous installation all worked
>    smoothly.)

You have to make them available to fontconfig, that is all. More I don't 
know about fontconfig.

>    2. *How can I fool Ubuntu to acknowledge TL 2008 is installed?* With
>    Ubuntu 8.10 I followed this instructions (
>    http://weblog.elzevir.fr/2008/11/tex-live-2008-a-la-vanille-sur-debian-like/)
>    for that (in particular, to install Kile without having to install TL 2007),
>    but this isn't working at all with Ubuntu 9.04. I understand that Ubuntu
>    switched to a new package

You have to create equivs packages, or keep installed both.

>    3. Finally, does somebody know *why the Ubuntu repositories only
>    distribute TexLive 2008*?! It's preposterous!

Why? Because we don't have enough volunteers here on the Debian side,
since I am programming most things for TeX Live itself and for 
the Debian packages, and the Ubuntu packages are nothing but the 
Debian ones.

So if you know someone with time, energy, perl knowledge, and willing
to contribute on a volunteer basis (like *ALL* of us!!!), then please
tell him to join us.

I would not say *anything* here is "preposterous" here but your remark.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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