[XeTeX] No underdot in Adobe Garamond Pro?

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Thu May 7 09:25:48 CEST 2009

Am Thu, 7 May 2009 09:17:23 +0530 schrieb Shrisha Rao:

> Yes, that does it for me too; thanks.  The polyglossia package must be  
> loaded later, and the correct order is apparently  
> \usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra}

That's not the correct order. As I already have tried to explain
this will disable most of xunicode. If you really want this is
probably easier not to load xtlxtra but only fontspec. 

I don't have Garamond pro but I tried with calibri which hasn't the
glyphs either. Try the following with your font. Try at first if the
\Undeclare-command helps. If not use the \mydaccent. 


   \d{\fontencoding{EU1}\selectfont #1}}}
\d{A}, \d{n}

\d{A}, \d{n}

\mydaccent{n}, \mydaccent{A}

Ulrike Fischer 

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