[XeTeX] Xetex and Komascript Compatibility

Thomas Gyger teginch at bluewin.ch
Tue Jun 16 22:10:33 CEST 2009

Tobias Schlemmer a écrit :
> Hi,
> it seems as if you did not recognize the message, written by Florian
> Grammel on Sat., 11:17:
> But you should try to replace the typographically "wrong" apostrophe '
> in your text with ’. As far as I can see, the ' prevents
> babel/polyglossia from recognizing the words and thus they are not
> hyphenated correctly, giving you the many overful boxes. When I do this,
> I can typeset your example in twocolumn-mode whithout any problems.
> KOMA is obviously not handling ' as an apostroph -- whether this is a
> bug or a (typographic) feature, I dare not say. Might be you'd like to
> contact Markus Kohm about this?
> -----------------
> At least there was no corresponding reaction.
> Tobias

I have responded to Florian's helpful remark in my answer dated from 
15.06.2009 10:56.
But thanks anyway.


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