[XeTeX] ttf and otf?

Diederick C. Niehorster diederick at niehorster.eu
Wed Jul 1 05:29:50 CEST 2009

Hi Ross, others,

On Windows i have had problems like this also. They occurred when I
had the same font on xelatex' path twice, once in the windows/fonts
directory, and once in the tex directory structure (i installed them
in the fonts directory later so i can use them with other apps too). I
got output similar to what you described. When I deleted the fonts
from windows/fonts the problem dissapeared again. Hence, Xetex seems
to have some difficulty if the same font is found twice in different
locations (or formats?).

Maybe this is something that should be looked into?


On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Ross A. Laird<ross at rosslaird.info> wrote:
> I am a novice user, so this may be something simple, but here is the
> situation: I had xetex working perfectly on my system, but then (I think
> this is the cause, but I'm not at all certain) I converted some OpenType
> fonts to TrueType (so I could use them in OpenOffice) but left them in
> the same directory. So I have foo.otf and foo.ttf. Now, when I run
> xetex, and depending on the font (some seem to be fine) many or all of
> the characters are completely messed up. Is it possible that having
> similar filenames is the cause of this problem? I am on Ubuntu, so my
> system has had many other changes as well, but this is the only one I
> can think of that might affect fonts and xetex. I know I can specify the
> exact filename for xetex to use, and that's what I plan to do next, as
> an experiment, but I thought I would ask about it first, in case this is
> a common issue (I doubt it).
> Describing what "messed up" above means is tricky. The letters are all
> wrong, basically: the wrong letter shows in every place, and there are
> wide spaces at random (seemingly). So, the document is completely
> incomprehensible. But when I compile it, I get no errors at all.
> Thanks in advance for the help. And, anticipating the "minimal example"
> request, here's one:
>  \TeXXeTstate=1
> \documentclass[10pt,DIV09,letterpaper,oneside,headsepline]{scrreprt}
>  \usepackage{fontspec,xunicode}
>  \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
>  \setmainfont{Sabon LT Std}
> \setsansfont{Myriad Pro}
> % \usepackage{hyperref}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> \pagestyle{headings}
> \usepackage{epigraph}
> \usepackage{url}
> \usepackage{titling}
> \date{}
> \pretitle{}
> \title{\Large{University 1100\\}\vspace{.10in}}
> \posttitle{}
> \author{\large{Summer 2009}}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{center}
> \maketitle
> \end{center}
> \tableofcontents
> \chapter{University 1100: Introduction to University Studies}
> Instructors:\\
> Sarah Hickinbottom, PhD\\
> Ross Laird, PhD\\
> Email: sarah.hickinbottom at kwantlen.ca\\
> Email: ross at rosslaird.com\\
> Location: Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond Campus\\
> Schedule: Weekdays, 13:00-14:30\\
> July 7 to August 28, 2009\\
> \section{Goals, Objectives, Principles}
> This course is designed to help students understand the purpose and
> values of higher education; to cultivate the skills, strategies,
> abilities, and traits that enable success in post-secondary education
> and beyond; and to feel more confident in their university studies. The
> course is highly experiential and encourages students to reflect on why
> they are in university, what they hope to gain from the experience, and
> how they wish to work actively to achieve their personal, academic, and
> professional goals.
> \end{document}
> This document compiles on my system without any trouble, gives no
> warnings or errors, and delivers a completely incomprehensible document.
> --
> Ross A. Laird, PhD
> Chair, Department of Creative Writing
> Faculty, Interdisciplinary Expressive Arts
> Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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