[XeTeX] Polyglossia 1.0.2: babelshorthands broken?

Joachim Trinkwitz jtr at uni-bonn.de
Thu Jan 29 12:21:20 CET 2009

Am 28.01.2009 um 20:42 schrieb Rolf Schmolling:

> don't know the polyglossia-version used, b.t.w.
> how would I find out- I am on a Mac with OSX 10.5.6

Even on a Mac TeX produces a detailled logfile on your harddisk, which  
is called <yourdocumentname>.log, and which reveals the date, version,  
and place of all the packages you're using. If you look at that file,  
e.g. in the finder by hitting on the space bar, you'll find something  
like that:

Package: polyglossia 2009/01/25 v1.0.2 Babel replacement for XeLaTeX

Maybe even your editor is capable of showing off the logfile in some  


Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz     E-Mail: jtr at uni-bonn.de
Institut für Germanistik, Tel.: 0228-737565
Vergleichende Literatur-  Fax: 0228-737479
und Kulturwissenschaft    www.germanistik.uni-bonn.de
der Universität Bonn      53012 Bonn

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