[XeTeX] polyglossia bug?

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Tue Dec 15 15:21:55 CET 2009

The following document gives with polyglossia.sty    2009/11/20
v1.1.0 this error:

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\@begin at tempboxa ...begingroup #2\color at endgroup }
                                                  \def \width {\wd
l.28 \newpage

The error disappeasr if I remove one level of braces around
\protect\@@ensure at maindir{#3} from the \@markright definition. 

\setmainlanguage[spelling=new, latesthyphen=true]{german}

%changed definition (one level of braces less)  
% \def\@markright#1#2#3{\@temptokena{\protect\@@ensure at maindir{#1}}%
%  \unrestored at protected@xdef\@themark{{\the\@temptokena}%
%   {\protect\@@ensure at maindir{#3}}}}

Dies ist ein Test.
Dies ist ein Test.


Ulrike Fischer 

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