[XeTeX] pstricks pst-math pst-plot and xelatex

Ulrike Fischer news2 at nililand.de
Tue Oct 28 13:20:54 CET 2008

Am Sun, 26 Oct 2008 23:43:53 +0100 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

>> I compared the log files for my run and his run and I could see no
>> file version differences; only path differences
> Don't only look at the final list! Do you also have this block:

> 	`pstricks-add' v3.08, 2008/08/06 (dr,hv)
> Do you have the same version of pstricks-add? 

I tried the example with 3.08 and 3.11 and hadn't any problems. So I
doubt that it is the source. At my opinion the problem has something to
with the ghostscript calls. There are two objects -- the axes and the
polynom -- involved and Martin mentioned that only the second disappear
-- depending on the sequence in the tex code either the axes or the

> I wonder how they manage that this file is not reported!

pst-func.tex uses TeX-Syntax to load it:

\input pstricks-add.tex

Ulrike Fischer 

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