[XeTeX] bidi.sty bug (was flushleft and flushright in amsart.cls)

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Fri Nov 28 11:13:45 CET 2008

> I find the reason for the problem that I asked in my previous question 
> (it is funny that I am answering my own questions)
> It is because bidi.sty  copies definitions of raggedright and 
> raggedleft from arabicore.sty and again arabicore.sty blindly copies 
> those definitions from rldb which are not really what we want:
> so after deleting the part of raggedright and raggedleft definitions 
> in bidi.sty and having the blow code instead, things work perfectly:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \def\raggedright{%
>   \let\\\@centercr
>   \rightskip\z at skip\rightskip\@flushglue
>   \parindent\z@\parfillskip\z at skip}
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Thanks for that! I'll make sure it is fixed in the next version.


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